Abstract Factory Pattern

The abstract factory design pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. This pattern is particularly useful when the exact types and dependencies of the objects are not known until runtime.

Here is an example:

// Define traits for products
trait Chair {
    fn has_legs(&self) -> bool;
    fn sit_on(&self);

trait Sofa {
    fn has_legs(&self) -> bool;
    fn lie_on(&self);

// Concrete products for Modern style
struct ModernChair;
struct ModernSofa;

impl Chair for ModernChair {
    fn has_legs(&self) -> bool {

    fn sit_on(&self) {
        println!("Sitting on a modern chair.");

impl Sofa for ModernSofa {
    fn has_legs(&self) -> bool {

    fn lie_on(&self) {
        println!("Lying on a modern sofa.");

// Concrete products for Victorian style
struct VictorianChair;
struct VictorianSofa;

impl Chair for VictorianChair {
    fn has_legs(&self) -> bool {

    fn sit_on(&self) {
        println!("Sitting on a Victorian chair.");

impl Sofa for VictorianSofa {
    fn has_legs(&self) -> bool {

    fn lie_on(&self) {
        println!("Lying on a Victorian sofa.");

// Abstract factory trait
trait FurnitureFactory {
    fn create_chair(&self) -> Box<dyn Chair>;
    fn create_sofa(&self) -> Box<dyn Sofa>;

// Concrete factories
struct ModernFurnitureFactory;

impl FurnitureFactory for ModernFurnitureFactory {
    fn create_chair(&self) -> Box<dyn Chair> {

    fn create_sofa(&self) -> Box<dyn Sofa> {

struct VictorianFurnitureFactory;

impl FurnitureFactory for VictorianFurnitureFactory {
    fn create_chair(&self) -> Box<dyn Chair> {

    fn create_sofa(&self) -> Box<dyn Sofa> {

// Client code
fn main() {
    let factory: Box<dyn FurnitureFactory> = Box::new(ModernFurnitureFactory);
    let chair = factory.create_chair();
    let sofa = factory.create_sofa();


    let factory2: Box<dyn FurnitureFactory> = Box::new(VictorianFurnitureFactory);
    let chair2 = factory2.create_chair();
    let sofa2 = factory2.create_sofa();


In this example, the FurnitureFactory trait defines methods for creating abstract products (Chair and Sofa). The ModernFurnitureFactory and VictorianFurnitureFactory structs implement this trait to create concrete products. The client code uses the factory to create and interact with the products without knowing their concrete types.