Shortest Path Graph (Dijkstra's) Algorithm

The shortest path algorithm is used to find the shortest path between nodes in a graph. One of the most common algorithms for this purpose is Dijkstra's algorithm. Below is a simple application in Rust demonstrating how Dijkstra's algorithm works.

Here is a simple implementation of the shortest path graph algorithm in Rust:

use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};
use std::cmp::Ordering;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct State {
    cost: usize,
    position: usize,

// The priority queue depends on `Ord`.
// Explicitly implement the trait so the queue becomes a min-heap
// instead of a max-heap.
impl Ord for State {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
        // Notice that the we flip the ordering on costs.
        // In case of a tie we compare positions - this step is necessary
        // to make implementations of `PartialEq` and `Ord` consistent.
            .then_with(|| self.position.cmp(&other.position))

// `PartialOrd` needs to be implemented as well.
impl PartialOrd for State {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

struct Edge {
    node: usize,
    cost: usize,

fn dijkstra(adj_list: &Vec<Vec<Edge>>, start: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
    let mut dist: Vec<_> = (0..adj_list.len()).map(|_| usize::MAX).collect();
    let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();

    // We're at `start`, with a zero cost
    dist[start] = 0;
    heap.push(State { cost: 0, position: start });

    // Examine the frontier with lower cost nodes first (min-heap)
    while let Some(State { cost, position }) = heap.pop() {
        // Important as we may have already found a better way
        if cost > dist[position] {

        // For each node we can reach, see if we can find a way with
        // a lower cost going through this node
        for edge in &adj_list[position] {
            let next = State { cost: cost + edge.cost, position: edge.node };

            // If so, add it to the frontier and continue
            if next.cost < dist[next.position] {
                // Relaxation, we have now found a better way
                dist[next.position] = next.cost;


fn main() {
    // Create a graph represented as an adjacency list
    let graph = vec![
        vec![Edge { node: 1, cost: 2 }, Edge { node: 2, cost: 4 }],
        vec![Edge { node: 2, cost: 1 }, Edge { node: 3, cost: 7 }],
        vec![Edge { node: 3, cost: 3 }],

    // Calculate the shortest path from node 0
    let start_node = 0;
    let distances = dijkstra(&graph, start_node);

    // Print the shortest path to each node
    for (i, d) in distances.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("The shortest path from node {} to node {} is {}", start_node, i, d);


  1. Graph Representation: The graph is represented as an adjacency list where each node has a list of edges. Each edge has a target node and a cost.
  2. State Struct: The State struct keeps track of the current position and the cost to reach that position.
  3. Priority Queue: A binary heap is used as a priority queue to always expand the least costly node first.
  4. Dijkstra's Algorithm: The algorithm initializes the distance to the start node as 0 and all other distances as infinity. It then iteratively explores the graph, updating the shortest path to each node.

This example demonstrates the basic implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm in Rust. You can modify the graph and the start node to see how the shortest paths change.