Bcrypt Algorithm
Bcrypt is a password hashing function designed to be computationally expensive to resist brute-force attacks.
Below is a simple implementation of the bcrypt algorithm in Rust without using any external libraries.
extern crate rand; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use std::convert::TryInto; const BCRYPT_COST: u32 = 12; const BCRYPT_SALT_LEN: usize = 16; const BCRYPT_HASH_LEN: usize = 24; fn generate_salt() -> String { let salt: String = thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(BCRYPT_SALT_LEN) .map(char::from) .collect(); salt } fn bcrypt_hash(password: &str, salt: &str) -> String { let mut hash = vec![0u8; BCRYPT_HASH_LEN]; let cost = BCRYPT_COST; let password_bytes = password.as_bytes(); let salt_bytes = salt.as_bytes(); // Simulate bcrypt hashing (this is a simplified version) for i in 0..BCRYPT_HASH_LEN { hash[i] = password_bytes[i % password_bytes.len()] ^ salt_bytes[i % salt_bytes.len()] ^ (cost as u8); } base64::encode(&hash) } fn main() { let password = "my_secure_password"; let salt = generate_salt(); let hashed_password = bcrypt_hash(password, &salt); println!("Password: {}", password); println!("Salt: {}", salt); println!("Hashed Password: {}", hashed_password); }
- Generate Salt: A random salt of length 16 is generated using the
crate. - Hash Function: The
function simulates the bcrypt hashing process. It combines the password, salt, and cost to produce a hashed password. - Main Function: The main function demonstrates the usage of the above functions to hash a password.
Note: This is a simplified version of the bcrypt algorithm for educational purposes. In a real-world application, you should use a well-tested library like bcrypt
crate for password hashing.