Behavioral Patterns
Behavioral Patterns deal with object collaboration and the delegation of responsibilities.
Some Common Behavioral Design Patterns
1- Observer: Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.
2- Strategy: Defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable.
3- Command: Encapsulates a request as an object, thereby allowing for parameterization of clients with queues, requests, and operations.
4- Chain of Responsibility: Allows an object to pass a request along a chain of potential handlers until the request is handled.
5- Iterator: Provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.
6- Mediator: Defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.
5- Visitor: Allows adding further operations to objects without having to modify them.