Strategy Pattern

The strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. This pattern lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

// Strategy type
pub trait Strategy {
    fn execute(&self, data: &str);

pub struct ConcreteStrategyA;

// Concrete Strategy A
impl Strategy for ConcreteStrategyA {
    fn execute(&self, data: &str) {
        println!("ConcreteStrategyA: {}", data);

pub struct ConcreteStrategyB;

// Concrete Strategy B
impl Strategy for ConcreteStrategyB {
    fn execute(&self, data: &str) {
        println!("ConcreteStrategyB: {}", data);

// Context type
pub struct Context {
    strategy: Box<dyn Strategy>,

// Concrete Context
impl Context {
    pub fn new(strategy: Box<dyn Strategy>) -> Self {
        Context { strategy }

    pub fn set_strategy(&mut self, strategy: Box<dyn Strategy>) {
        self.strategy = strategy;

    pub fn execute_strategy(&self, data: &str) {

fn main() {
    let strategy_a 
    = Box::new(ConcreteStrategyA);
    let strategy_b = Box::new(ConcreteStrategyB);

    let mut context = Context::new(strategy_a);
    context.execute_strategy("Hello, World!");

    context.execute_strategy("Hello, Rust!");

Strategy Trait defines a common interface for all supported algorithms. Concrete Strategies implement the Strategy trait for different algorithms. Context maintains a reference to a Strategy object and is configured with a Concrete Strategy object.

This pattern is useful for scenarios where you need to switch between different algorithms or behaviors at runtime.